Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dynasty Warriors: Famitsu Poll = Potential Add?

When Dynasty Warriors 7 (Shin Sangoku Musou 6) was announced in Japan release and few months later, Western version is released. After released, Koei decide to have the survey for the fans vote their favorite character to be added for next installment (Xtreme Legends). The voting lasted few months and the result came in after the voting end.

The result comes out as:
Wei: Guo Jia (1), Yue Jin (2), Pang De (3), Xun Yu (4), Yu Jin (8)
Wu: Lu Su (5), Lu Kung (9)
Shu: Xu Shu (7), Ma Yunlu (11), Guan Xing (H),
Jin: Zhang Chunhua (10)
Others: Chen Gong (6), Gao Shun (H), Lu Lingqi (H)
*H stands for Honorable Mention.

Guo Jia (1) used to work with Yuan Shao, but defected to Cao Cao. He later assists Cao Cao to end Yuan Clans, including Yuan Shao’s three sons. Along with him, two more warriors were added; Wang Yi, who wants revenge on Ma Chao and veteran general from Dynasty Warriors 5, Pang De (3).

After few months, Koei make another installment, Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires (Shin Sangoku Musou 6 Empires and introduce Xu Shu (7), a strategist of Liu Bei who help defeat Cao Ren and his Eight Gates Golden Locks Formation.

After few years later, Koei announce that they are going to added Dynasty Warriors 8 (Shin Sangoku Musou 7) and added more characters, approximately 11 characters. Among them, they add few characters from Famitsu Poll list; Yue Jin (2)Lu Su (5), Guan Xing (H), and Zhang Chunhua (10), along with new character; Li Dian, Han Dang, Zhang Bao, Guan Yinping, Wen Yang, Jia Chong, and veteran Zuo Ci.

What does that means? We have Xun Yu (4), Yu Jin (8), Lu Kung (9)Ma Yunlu (11)Gao Shun (H), Lu Lingqi (H) left for future release. However, Koei decide to do another voting for their favorite characters once again and this time, most of the characters are fairly new and few that added from previous list.

The result comes out as:
Wei: Xun Yu (2), Yu Jin (3)
Wu: Zhu Ran (4), Cheng Pu (5), Lu Kung (6), Zhuge Jin (10)
Shu: Wang Ping (8), Fa Zheng (9),
Others: Chen Gong (1), Gao Shun (7)

The result comes out with a surprise because Koei explains that Xun Yu (2) will be the highest if Chen Gong (1) wasn't the highest vote. Koei decide to improve Lu Bu by building an army for him, which he as beautiful Diao Chan, and loyalty, Zhang Liao.

Chen Gong (1)  save Cao Cao’s life and serve under him. However, several years he defected to Lu Bu’s force beginning to push Cao Cao. It lasted several years and eventually claimed their land to live. However, it was lasted shorted as Lu Bu’s comrade army defected to Cao Cao and losing its home due to Cao Cao’s manipulation, which Chen Gong (1) and Lu Bu was executed.

Along with him, they add Yu Jin (8)Zhu Ran (4)Fa Zheng (9), and previous poll list Lu Lingqi (H) for Xtreme Legends. As time goes by, Empires was announced and Xun Yu (2) is added as playable new character.

We don’t know if Koei is making another Dynasty Warriors, but if they do, who will they added? They have these characters left and hopefully they continue the route and add these characters.
Wu: Lu Kung (9 --> 6), Cheng Pu (5), Zhuge Jin (10)
Shu: Ma Yunlu (11)Wang Ping (8)
Others: Gao Shun (H -->  7)

Everything is written and expressed by Writer. Weapons, Characters, and images of Dynasty Warriors are all copyrights to Koei.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires Weapons Assign Review

To start of Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires: the game was release in North America Feburary 24, 2015 and Europe  Feburary 27, 2015. So we actually send in one of the writers to give in his review about the DLC weapons for reassign. Some of them may be agreeable and some may be disagree. 

Wang Yi, “Grudge against Xi Liang Force”
Wang Yi was debut in Dynasty Warriors 7 Xtreme Legend along with returning character, Pang De and Poll Winner, Guo Jia. She wields twin trishula and serves under Wei, wanting to kill Ma Chao more than everything. Wielding twin trishula, she is known for her aggressive and two of her musous are grab attack and thus focusing on one enemy (multiple if you want to count the surrounding). Despite about her interesting move-set, her weapon was change in Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires, to Emei Pincers.  Consider her goal is to destroy all the ma clans, including Ma Chao, I can somehow speculate what Koei are planning, but at the same time, I felt that it doesn't work for unknown reason. My only opinion is to let Wang Yi choose her weapon while have the old/new weapon assign to new character.

Sun Quan, “The Emperor of Wu”
Sun Quan was once wield a broadsword in PlayStation 2 (Dynasty Warriors 3-5), Pronged Sword (Dynasty Warriors 6) and later wield Dao with generics (Dynasty Warriors 7 to 8). Despite his generic Dao, his element flame attack and strong attack are strong that knocks the enemy far away. When Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires was announcing, he was switch to Flame Blade, known to be one of the Downloadable weapons in Dynasty Warriors 8. Before trying it with his new ex and musou, I tested him out from DLC download and my impression is positive. By the time the Empires was release in Japan (follow by NA and EU few months later), my impression stays the same, except even more positive. Despite few people response about no liking it due to reverse grip or other reasons, his element and execution attacks makes up for negative feedback.  

Xiaoqiao, “Young Two Qiaos”
Xiaoqiao is one of the Twin Qiaos that wields Twin Fans since their debut. However if changes when Dynasty Warriors 7 when both of them wields Iron Fan, one of the generic weapons. Things weren’t improvement then and later installment, Daqiao changed her weapon to Twin wands (Strikeforce Weapon to DLC Weapons to DW7). Later on Dynasty Warriors 8, Twin Fans was announced and she was assign with Twin Fans in Dynasty Warriors Empires 8.  The impression was satisfied enough and begins to questioning that why Koei would change their weapon when they should leave it since her debuted. Surprisingly, there are few that doesn’t like having her take it and preferring choosing Daqiao to wield it, although I have disagree that twin wands works really well.

Lianshi, “Empress of Wu”
Lianshi is Sun Quan’s concubine and later an Empress of Wu due to Sun Quan’s decision after her death. Her first choice of weapon was crossbow that attacks enemies with her crossbow and with her charge attack, it increase her attack range. However, its immovable attack, but the whirlwind around her covers her close range combat. Until Dynasty Warriors 8, the new weapon that was introduced as DLC is called Mandarin Duck Horns. When they announced the weapon and image show Lianshi, I was bit skeptical due to the fact that it changed her style. However, things went from bad to worse reaction when Lianshi receive the weapon. Most were very angry and they wanted her back to crossbow due to several reasons. However, I’m actually liking it consider, that Zhenji and Xingcai were close range combat and they fight with their husband and leader respectfully. With that kind of close range and instructor to Sun Shangxiang, I don’t think I have problem seeing it and I’m with those who supports it.

Liu Shan, “Emperor of Shu”
Liu Shan is the son of Liu Bei that ended the kingdom due to defeat from Wei (later to Jin). His weapon is rapier since his debuted in Dynasty Warriors 7 and using it until Empires 8. Similar to his father, the word, “Emperor” requires swords or twin swords, which that sounds correct to most of the kingdom. The only exception was Sima Yi (Jin) and Sun Ce (Wu) due to their personality or Koei decide to change it. Despite the worth of seeing his rapier for Liu Shan, it suddenly builds up more of controversy for Shu Kingdom and the fans. When the bench (not chair) appears to be as DLC, it shows Liu Shan, which causes an issue. At first, it was just DLC weapons that will be exclusive; however, we were wrong because it was confirmed that Liu Shan will be using the Bench for Empires 8. It cause not only some of the fans in both eastern and western angry, there is a sign of demanding to return the rapier to Liu Shan, while Bench to be given to new character. Although I’ll admit Liu Shan use lazy personality with bench makes sense, but I think rapier does make more since due to being 2nd leader of Shu Kingdom.

Huang Yueying, “Mechanic Prodigy”
Yueying is Zhuge Liang’s wife that is debuted in Dynasty Warriors 4 with Dagger-Axe.  Unlike some of the characters, she was one of the characters that change her weapon at least three times to return her Dagger-Axe. She use Crossblade (Crossbow attach with Blade) in Dynasty Warriors 6 and Bo Staff in Dynasty Warriors 7. When the DLC was Dagger-axe, she was de-cloning to Dagger-Axe in Empires, thus sending Zhou Yu to have unique weapon. When the problem was solved for a while, the crossblade return as DLC weapons and it was announced that she will be wielding the weapon. Similar to Liu Shan, there was outrage among the fans, consider that it went all that trouble and now it goes back trouble. I personality think that Yueying deserve to return Dagger-Axe because it doesn't really make sense that she use that weapons more often than crossblade. I would like to see the crossblade to go with new characters, despite about some approval of idea.

Guan Suo, “Guan’s Martial Artist”
Guan Suo is son of Guan Yu who wields Nunchaku in Dynasty Warriors 7, along with Ling Tong. He was one of the fictional characters that debute and known for his service before fall of Shu. Most of the musou are kicks and unlike most of the weapons, it rarely uses Nunchucks, even rage musou was insufficient. When Sabaton was announce as DLC weapons for Dynasty Warriors 8, most fans were impress about it and wanted to see him, while few percent disagree the idea due to de-cloning problem was done. The argument ended with Guan Suo taking a Sabaton as his new weapons. Although few continue to disagree with it, they slowly support by testing the weapon out and they all support the idea, thus making Nunchaku to search for a new character or discard. The result is currently undetermined, but hopefully we get interesting result.
Deng Ai, “Co-Destroyer of Shu Kingdom”
Deng Ai is added along with several Wei officers and forms a new Kingdom in Dynasty Warriors 7. They are known as Jin Kingdom. Deng Ai debuted with his weapon, drill lance and known of ending the Shu Kingdom and killed Zhuge Liang’s son, Zhuge Zhan. When Deng Ai uses his attack, it does numerous of combos and his musou are including with bombs and submissions. When Dynasty Warriors DLC was announcing, it reveal Rotating Crossbow will be a new weapon that will be later to be Deng Ai’s new weapon. It was mixed reaction from the fans, which some supports while some not. I’m finding it difficult to accept because Deng Ai, being unique to the new weapon defeats the purpose of changing to new weapon. Consider that the weapon is good or bad, I don’t think it will be necessary of changing new weapon. The drill lance should return to Deng Ai, while new weapon be given to new character.
Meng Huo, “King of Nanman”
The King of Nanman has arrived with is fighting gloves and been using it since his debut in Dynasty Warriors 3. However, he left in Dynasty Warriors 6 and did not appear until Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires. This is where he changes his weapon to pillar, but return gloves in Dynasty Warriors 7. Everything went well and has his own unique weapon until Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires. He changed his weapon to pillar and most people are supporting it. This was really surprising me because I never tried that weapon and I did skip it. I’m not really fond of it because it’s hard for me to adjust it and I think it should understandable if the gloves given to any Nanman. Surprising, I actually like the weapon already and I think it should stay with Meng Huo and give the Gloves to different Nanman officers.

  • Positive:  Sun Quan, Xiaoqiao, Lianshi, Meng Huo
  • Middle: Wang Yi, Guan Suo, Deng Ai, 
  • Negative: Yueying, Liu Shan
Note: Apologize for late post due to progress of building both website and bloggers.

Everything is written and expressed by Writer. Weapons, Characters, and images of Dynasty Warriors are all copyrights to Koei.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Welcome to Warriors News! The news is mostly based on Koei's several successful's franchise: Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, and Warriors Orochi (Shin Sangoku Musou, Sengoku Musou, and Musou Orochi in Japanese titles respectfully.)

What is our mission?

Keeping update for fans/readers and/or set up the debate role that the people can post and express their idea. Whether it was to make a agreeable role and/or disagreeable role, we cannot tolerate flames, spams, insults. We will be checking on bloggers daily and sometimes update the post between one to three post per week or bi-weekly.

First plan:

  • We will be have one of the writers express his or her opinion about Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires' weapon changes due to change in Japan release. The game will come in few days release and it takes time to review and announce.
  • Further more we will post the support of liking it or not liking idea. If you want to be part of the group, notify them via comment or a member.

Second Plan

  • Samurai Warriors 4 II was release in Japan and only added Ii Naomasa. In the future post, we will discuss if people love Naomasa or not.
  • After that, we will ask anyone to vote in which character they would like to see. 

Once again, welcome to Warriors News!

Everything is written and expressed by Writer. Weapons, Characters, and images of Dynasty Warriors are all copyrights to Koei.