Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dynasty Warriors: Famitsu Poll = Potential Add?

When Dynasty Warriors 7 (Shin Sangoku Musou 6) was announced in Japan release and few months later, Western version is released. After released, Koei decide to have the survey for the fans vote their favorite character to be added for next installment (Xtreme Legends). The voting lasted few months and the result came in after the voting end.

The result comes out as:
Wei: Guo Jia (1), Yue Jin (2), Pang De (3), Xun Yu (4), Yu Jin (8)
Wu: Lu Su (5), Lu Kung (9)
Shu: Xu Shu (7), Ma Yunlu (11), Guan Xing (H),
Jin: Zhang Chunhua (10)
Others: Chen Gong (6), Gao Shun (H), Lu Lingqi (H)
*H stands for Honorable Mention.

Guo Jia (1) used to work with Yuan Shao, but defected to Cao Cao. He later assists Cao Cao to end Yuan Clans, including Yuan Shao’s three sons. Along with him, two more warriors were added; Wang Yi, who wants revenge on Ma Chao and veteran general from Dynasty Warriors 5, Pang De (3).

After few months, Koei make another installment, Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires (Shin Sangoku Musou 6 Empires and introduce Xu Shu (7), a strategist of Liu Bei who help defeat Cao Ren and his Eight Gates Golden Locks Formation.

After few years later, Koei announce that they are going to added Dynasty Warriors 8 (Shin Sangoku Musou 7) and added more characters, approximately 11 characters. Among them, they add few characters from Famitsu Poll list; Yue Jin (2)Lu Su (5), Guan Xing (H), and Zhang Chunhua (10), along with new character; Li Dian, Han Dang, Zhang Bao, Guan Yinping, Wen Yang, Jia Chong, and veteran Zuo Ci.

What does that means? We have Xun Yu (4), Yu Jin (8), Lu Kung (9)Ma Yunlu (11)Gao Shun (H), Lu Lingqi (H) left for future release. However, Koei decide to do another voting for their favorite characters once again and this time, most of the characters are fairly new and few that added from previous list.

The result comes out as:
Wei: Xun Yu (2), Yu Jin (3)
Wu: Zhu Ran (4), Cheng Pu (5), Lu Kung (6), Zhuge Jin (10)
Shu: Wang Ping (8), Fa Zheng (9),
Others: Chen Gong (1), Gao Shun (7)

The result comes out with a surprise because Koei explains that Xun Yu (2) will be the highest if Chen Gong (1) wasn't the highest vote. Koei decide to improve Lu Bu by building an army for him, which he as beautiful Diao Chan, and loyalty, Zhang Liao.

Chen Gong (1)  save Cao Cao’s life and serve under him. However, several years he defected to Lu Bu’s force beginning to push Cao Cao. It lasted several years and eventually claimed their land to live. However, it was lasted shorted as Lu Bu’s comrade army defected to Cao Cao and losing its home due to Cao Cao’s manipulation, which Chen Gong (1) and Lu Bu was executed.

Along with him, they add Yu Jin (8)Zhu Ran (4)Fa Zheng (9), and previous poll list Lu Lingqi (H) for Xtreme Legends. As time goes by, Empires was announced and Xun Yu (2) is added as playable new character.

We don’t know if Koei is making another Dynasty Warriors, but if they do, who will they added? They have these characters left and hopefully they continue the route and add these characters.
Wu: Lu Kung (9 --> 6), Cheng Pu (5), Zhuge Jin (10)
Shu: Ma Yunlu (11)Wang Ping (8)
Others: Gao Shun (H -->  7)

Everything is written and expressed by Writer. Weapons, Characters, and images of Dynasty Warriors are all copyrights to Koei.